Battletech heavy metal mechs tier list
Battletech heavy metal mechs tier list

battletech heavy metal mechs tier list

Hit location is also rolled for each missile separately, so missile damage tends to be spread over the entire target, rather than concentrated on a single location.Each missile rolls a separate to-hit chance, so you're more likely to hit with some of the missiles, but not all of them.The larger the size number of a launcher, the faster it chews through ammo.Missiles deal more Stability Damage than the other weapon types do.LRMs also can fire at targets that you don’t have a direct line-of-sight (LOS) to, which you’ll recognize by the curved arc shape of the red line of fire.LRMs do less damage per-missile, but come in bigger launchers and It’s best to think of SRMs as shotguns: a lot ofĭamage delivered up close. SRM-2 fires just two short-range missiles. The LRM-10 weapon fires ten long-range missiles the Missile batteries have a number next to them this tells you how many missiles Missile weapons come in two flavors, long-range missiles (LRM​) and short-range The PPC is able to deal a moderate amount of stability damage upon impact.Ī double rack of LRM5 and LRM15 on a Griffin.Medium and large lasers get a bonus to accuracy over other weapons.Large lasers​, but the real king of this type is the Particle Projector Cannon (PPC)​: huge damage The basic energy weapons are the medium lasers ​and Energy weapons don’t require anyĪmmunition, but generate a lot of heat and (with the exception of PPCs) inflict very little stability damage. The simplest weapons are the energy weapons.

battletech heavy metal mechs tier list

The sole exception is Long Range Missiles (LRMs) which can also shoot targets indirectly allowing the attacking mech to hide behind cover.Ī bank of three medium lasers on an Enforcer. Be aware that all mechs have a 300 Meter visual range by default, however weapons with longer range can be fired at any target with has a direct path to its target that is seen by ANY allied mech or sensor lock.

battletech heavy metal mechs tier list

No color means the weapon cannot be fired at these ranges. Gray shows sub-optimal range, while white refers to optimal ranges. The following table shows the effective and max ranges of each of the weapon types (Measured in 30 meter tile increments).

Battletech heavy metal mechs tier list