Gamekit sid meiers starships
Gamekit sid meiers starships

This has the potential to be a really good game but it’s mediocre implementation makes it the kind of game you will probably play until you beat the system once or twice at which point you’ll be bored with it. Sprite clipping errors all over the place (objects showing through one another or overlapping when they’re not supposed to), buggy sound implementation and the gameplay is very one-dimensional and lacking in realism in certain respects. I’m glad I didn’t pay more than $10 for this game that’s about all it’s worth. Great Potential but Buggy (even at 1.4) and 2K Support is Weak you have the ingredients, now bake the cake. I have to left-click sometimes to get a right click through.īut again, VERY FUN. The ‘you destroyed the ship’ zoom in is glitched with a very big hit… takes forever to watch the slow zoom and you go well past the ship, sometimes inside a planet. Sensor ping by AI will result in bad audio bug if more than one of your ships is stealthed. There should be a ship health and status view somewhere that shows all of your ships in combat.Ī little more help, perhaps tutorial on diplomacy and trading. Larger fonts, and better mouse and multitouch pad scrolling for the help pagesĮnd turn is confusing, as it ends for a particular ship of yours.

gamekit sid meiers starships

Use smoke damage to help indicate damaged ships. That starships video at the beginning and end are blurry, stretching what is acceptable on a low end 2014 imac. I should not be able to count the polygons of an asteroid and stop at 7). Graphics need to be upped for mac: more polygons (its really rough guys. Lots of bugs and some of the worst graphics you will ever see but it is quite a fun game! Each choice you make carries consequences on your path to victory.Įxtremely high potential. Multiple Paths To Victory: Will you win by conquering the greatest threat to the galaxy? Or will you unite a plurality of worlds in your Federation? Perhaps you will lead your people to push the frontiers of science.Fight pirates, protect colony ships, destroy rogue AI, and more. A Galaxy Of Adventure: Explore the galaxy as you lead your fleet to distant worlds and complete missions to help the citizens of these planets.Build improvements on worlds to increase the capabilities and resources of your Federation. Use the unique abilities of the each planet to enhance your fleet and Federation, and keep your opponents in check. Diplomacy, Strategy, and Exploration: Expand the influence of your Federation and gain the trust of the citizens of new planets.Fully Customizable Starships: Create an armada that fits your tactical plan with modular spaceship design.

gamekit sid meiers starships

  • Tactical Space Combat: Encounter unique tactical challenges in every mission, with dynamically generated maps, victory conditions, and foes.
  • See if you have what it takes to rule the universe!

    #Gamekit sid meiers starships full

    Set in the universe of Civilization: Beyond Earth after the age of the Seeding, Sid Meier’s Starships offers sci-fi/strategy fans a full stand-alone game experience that also features cross-connectivity with Beyond Earth, expanding the depth of both games. Build a planetary federation as you strengthen your fleet and secure your homeworld as you attempt to preserve intergalactic peace and your vision of humanity. Travel to new worlds, completing missions to help save and protect the planets and their people from dangerous Space Pirates, to powerful Marauders and other hostile factions. Take command of a fleet of powerful starships in this adventure-driven strategy game from legendary designer Sid Meier.

    Gamekit sid meiers starships